Originally Posted by Vincentt
I do not run around telling people I am straight all the time. I do not see why being something else would require such announcements.
I would never tell people I am close to that I like it when girls pretend I am the evil troll king come to rape and pillage their land. Nor do you need to tell them that you are into open relationships, bi, or MFF threesomes.
Now if you want to, then you have already decided, so go ahead.
I appreciate your candor and i respect your opinion and it's obvious how you judge this situation . . . Obviously, in your life you do not have to tell people you are straight . . . everyone Assumes you are . . . and i assume you have never had to HIDE a relationship from your family and friends or hide someone who was important to you because of fear of judgement???
I am not out to announce anything . . . I don't go around ramdonly telling people about my sexuality . . . except on this forum, where i thought it was okay to speak openly . . .
Look at it from that perspective please . . . and put yourself in my shoes . . . if you DID have to hide who you were dating . . . WOULD you then not tell your friends and family you had met someone really special??