I have had many OBE experiences. I won't go into them all but the first time I remember having them is when I was 3. I don't remember the details leading up to it, they were told to me later.
My brother and I were fighting over a pencil. He let go and the pencil wound up embedded in my left eye. My mother and father picked me up and carried me to the kitchen and laid me on an ironing board. I remember floating above them and watching them working on me. My mother was frantic as my father pulled the pencil out and my eye came with it. I felt no pain, but felt sorry for my mother because she was so upset and crying. I remember moving back and forth on the ceiling avoiding the globe lighting fixture as I watched them. I don't remember much else until later.
They told me they rushed me to the hospital and I was operated on for several hours as the doctor put my eye back together. For some reason after the operation they had both my eyes blindfolded and my hands were tied down so I could not mess with the bandages. They kept me blind this way for about a week and my mother stayed in the same room with me.
I remember leaving my body several times during that week and floating up and down the halls of the hospital. By the time they took the bandages off I knew what every nurse and doctor looked like already. I also already knew what the layout of my room and hospital floor was.
I guess because of the operation and all I didn't think being out of my body was a big deal and did not seem strange at all. It seemed normal to me at the time. I remember how much fun it was to float around and how clunky it felt to be back in my body. I have had other experiences later with OBE but those will wait for another time.