Originally Posted by Rekna
We in general don't really care about Iraqi deaths.
Who is this 'we' you mention? Why would someone not care about Iraqi civilian deaths? Are there people applauding somewhere when Iraqi civilians die? Things get interesting when these unknown figures of deaths are used to justify the 'insurgency' and provide them with some sort of moral legitimacy, which I don't think they deserve. The Iraqi people want peace and stability, like any other. The 'insurgents' idea of a society represents regression, intimidation and isolation; more of the same of what Hussein gave them or worse. The coalition stands for progression, growth and partnership among the rest of the civilized world. The Iraqis are understandably nervous about moving forward because they've never yet moved forward in the modern world.
As for having any regard for Iraqi soldiers, I hold them in high regard. They are the lynchpin in this entire scenario, and they need to continue to be built up and trained. I have no regard at all for the 'insurgents' who are doing everything in their power to intimidate the populace and kill off the legitimate Iraqi security force.