I've been playing this game non-stop for the past few weeks. It is incredibly entertaining, even if there are a few problems.
The best part is the fact that you actually *want* to play the game again after winning; I played a fighter-type vampire the first time, and am now playing as a Malkavian girl. It is so incredibly funny to see the dialog go from normal talk to complete insanity for the Malkavians... (And yes, I play a girl. I like looking at that extremely fine piece of digital arse.)
Another good thing is that you can finish the game in many different ways, the guns-blazing shoot-everything way, the same killing spree with swords, a sneaky back-stabbing way, a talk-myself-out-of-everything way... Or a combination of these. None of these methods is necessarily better, but they lead to different reactions.
The bad things:
- No matter how long it is (took me a week to finish), you still want more; I can't wait for an expansion pack...
- There are some obvious spelling errors in the dialogue. Furthermore, sometimes there's an assumption you're playing a male character, even if you're playing as a girl.
- Some of the missions are nigh impossible to get, due to some bad scripting. As in: if you don't follow these exact steps, you won't be able to get that series of missions. This goes back to my first point - you want more!

- There are some clear bugs which make it pretty much impossible to finish the game without "cheating". <b>(SPOILER!!!)</b> There is one mission where you have to escape an explosion with a boat. This action then leads to a crash. The cause is bad scripting, where the computer expects a character to be somewhere it isn't. There's a patch, though...
As for the crashes: apart from that crash with the boat, I haven't had a problem at all. The game does suffer from speed problems at times, especially when you've just entered a new area (still loading). All of that is forgiven when you look at the environments and characters in them... it's gorgeous (and so are the women).