Originally Posted by sob
Maybe when they first get here. If you want to see what happens after they've been here a little while,
I'd call this the "lunatic fringe" if there weren't quite so many of them.
If you need more information, I can post some of the reasons why Chicanos don't assimilate into the US culture nearly as much as other immigrants.
No problem, though. We'll just get along like Quebec gets along with the rest of Canada.
Not that the website isn't sweet and all(I especially like where he has to defend himself against claims that he's racist and xenophobic with pictures of his diverse family) but reading information
from MEChA as well as from their ancient detractors in pink hats might be a little more balanced. Further, I don't actually know if it's so crazy for them to want their land back. We did take it, after all. But the bottom line is, you live in LA or whatever, and I live on the East Coast, and I don't really have any sort of significant Latino immigrant population around here aside from the groundskeepers at my apartment complex. They seem like nice guys, and I speak Spanish, so we get along. If I were in your shoes, I might feel differently.