There's a lot thats just too convenient. For example the point htat was raised that thre was construction in the section taht was hit and not as many people. Considering the size of the pentagon, what are the odds that the plane would hit the one section that was being worked on and not full of people? Also i found it a little convenient that the part of the wall collapsed before anyone had any real time to take a good look at the small hole that was made by the plane impact. It seemed as soon as people started to question the wall there was no more wall to question.
If i remember correctly the reason the part of the pentagon was being fixed up was due to a small fire that broke out in the section. Again i find it strange that the plane crashed into this section and not another section.
However to be acturatein the picture above the little 30ft marker shoud be shifted slightly to the left to where the collapsed part of the building is. I find it odd (again) how the collapsed section seems to line up well with the sise of the span between the engines YET the HOLE that was made in the building was only 16ft or so around. Also that there was little sign of collateral damage on the side of the building where, say, the wings would inpact. You'd think the wings of a plane impacting at ~500mph would atleast break some windows.
We Must Dissent.