So the original proposition....America essentially dissappears from the scene after VJ day...
Rise of post-war isolationism in America (perhaps Roosevelt lost in 1944 to 'Get it over and get the boys home' campaign?) leads to severing of ties with Europe after conflict.
American military forces withdraw from Europe, no Marshall Plan to rebuild Germany, no MacArthur's Japan. Strong US Navy and small nuclear stockpile make Americans confident in their security.
Germany becomes a 3-way split: East Germany (Soviet), Bundesrepublik (Independent), and West Germany (Anglo-French). Austria remains split as well. Berlin is absorbed during the Crisis into East Germany.
The Anglo-French alliance remains strongly tied as only counter to the Soviet Union. Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia become Communist states. Spain courted by Anglo-French.
Israel forms as a client state of the Soviet Union with funding from American citizens. Anglo-French ally with Arab nations. UK and French colonies begin to seek independence and get it for the most part, although many remain within their sphere of influence.
Korean War takes all of a few months to resolve, with a Communist Korea resulting. After Korea, cracks appear between China and Russia over their influence in Asia.
Development of nuclear weapons by Soviet, British, and French militaries is followed by China. Focus is on IRBM and tactical forces (due to lack of a need to hit the Americas).
Without ties to most of the world, and without the recovery of Central Europe and Asia, the US economy only grows slowly after the war. However, with security assured, this is not seen as a great problem. The US does get tied up in a number of Latin American adventures in which the rest of the world has little interest.
By the 1960s, the world looks very different for America. Her military has been surpassed by technological developments in the UK, USSR, and France. Her small nuclear force is inferior to that of Britain, France, the Soviets, and even China, and she lacks an effective delivery vehicle. Developments in missiles have threatened to make her Navy and Army Air Force incapable of defending the beaches. Attempts are made to rectify this, but without enough economic backing, the efforts are usually inferior copies of foreign equipment.
The Anglo-French become imbroiled in a prolonged effort in SE Asia against China and the Soviet Union. Eventually, they withdraw, but China and the USSR can not peacably divide the spoils, leading to a series of proxy wars between Cambodia and Vietnam. India and China engage in border wars as well, India being a strong member of the Anglo-French alliance.
By the end of the 1970s, the Anglo-French have cleared up a number of problem areas, with friendly governments in power in many strategic areas, and isolation of those areas they could not win. Economically, they have become world powers, being the center of world commerce, and the hub of trade. Militarily, they still fear the huge Soviet forces, but are gaining a strong edge in technology. The United States has become reliant on French aircraft and missiles and British electronics and ships for its small Department of Self Defense.
At the end of the 1990s, Anglo-French defense spending reaches the point where the Soviets can no longer maintain parity, even with quantity, and she withdraws from Central Europe to a more defensive position. China has become an economic as well as military powerhouse, lording over satellites in Korea, Japan, and Cambodia. The Western nations have prospered in the fair-trade environment, and the Soviet Union adopts reforms to allow it to participate.
The Middle East remains a hot-bed. Without a strong sponsor, Israel remains dogged in her defense. Anglo-French support for Syria and Egypt is also limited, with revolts against Western influence in the Gulf region threatening her oil resources. Major Anglo-French military forces are redirected to maintaining stability in the Persian Gulf from the end of the European Cold War to present day.
By the end of the 1990s, the United States remains a viable, but limited economy. Her main trading partners are the poorer states of Latin America, and her wealthy Northern neighbor, Canada. Except for Canada, the Western Hemisphere is generally viewed as a backwater of little consequence in the globe. American has tried to revive her economy and open back up to the world, although this has in many cases led to the exploitation of her resources and labor by French and British mega-corporations, eager to tap into poorly exploited reserves of natural resources.
The last five years have found the Western Europeans battling terrorism stemming largely from their influence and military presence in the Middle East. Russia has retreated militarily to her borders, but has made an aggressive entrance to the world economy parlaying her vast resources and expertise in space technology to effect. China has consolidated her eastern regional hegemony and is beginning to gain steam economically and technologically. The Europeans are the pre-eminent military force on the planet, but this is viewed with suspicion by the other main powers, as she begins to try and extend her influence in the Americas.
The world of 2005 is an unsure place, with a militant and aggressive, but economically powerful West Europe, a vibrant Russia, a growing China, and the backwaters of the Americas and Africa, along with the firy Middle East to provide tension.
Just some musings.....
"Don't tell me we're so blind we cannot see that this is my land! I can't pretend that it's nothing to do with me.
And this is your land, you can't close your eyes to this hypocracy.
Yes this is my land, I won't pretend that it's nothing to do with me.
'Cause this is our land, we can't close our eyes to the things we don't wanna see."