Originally Posted by RangerDick
I think this post is extremely disrespectful to every fallen American/Coalition soldier that has died in Iraq. Period. An American soldier KIA is just as dead as an Iraqi soldier KIA. How does an Iraqi soldier lose more?
I really hope no family member of a soldier stationed in Iraq reads your post.
With apologies to Newton, we all stand on the shoulders of giants.
Some people try to climb back down.
Although this might be a little off-topic, when my son was in Spain, I made him vote absentee. I told him "A lot of people died for you to be able to do this."
For those who might care, I include this link:
The Veteran
and this photo:
<img src=http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0TQCfAqEYt96u1P4dkgYp2HE9o0Dso*fNqNIzoc97dfXRdHFqvZYwvr9kjeY1Kbpl!fRpYppU7zyapU55*RzwheuW*7JVkk6oIGUTRsEQabdVuJ08uoNWvA/Wheelchair.jpg?dc=4675505067505700777></IMG>
I'm not going to explain that one to anybody.