Originally Posted by ObieX
I'm not sure what rights i'd be giving up in allowing an investigator to see what happened during the final 5 seconds or so before an accident. You'd only really have to fear that if you plan on speeding and driving in a reckless manner. We've already got enough of that crap going on killing people. Unfortunately the majority of drivers really are dangerous on the roads no matter how "good" at driving they think they are. Taking half-glances when they should look, fixing make-up, speeding, cell phones, speeding and driving recklessly in the rain or snow (VERY FUCKING DANGEROUS for those who don't know), turning wild around blind corners.. not knowing what STOP or YIELD mean.. i could go on for hours.
Some regulation in the area is needed, obviously. At the very least you should be informed when buying the vehicle that it contains such a device. But as i said, driving isnt something silly to fear like terrorism. People drive on the roads EVERY DAY, usually more than once per day. That is taking your life into your hands. It is also taking the life of others into your hands. And your life in theirs. Would you trust your life to a stranger? How about a drunk stranger? how about a drunk speeding teenager in a new sports car his parents bought him that thought it would be a good night to drag race? The roads (atleast in NJ) are like a war zone. You enter at your own risk. There are people out there who think going 5mph over the speed limit in a 65 isnt breaking the law enough. Oh no.. 80.. 90, thats nothing! Who gives a damn if you clip that guy you're passing and spin him under an 18-wheeler, right? It will save 2 minutes and 37 seconds off your drive.
I'm sorry but something like this is sorely needed.
The only right anyone has when it comes to driving is the ability to take a test to do it when they come of the designated age. And even then you have to meet certain requirements (eye sight, hearing, etc).
that got me thinking...
here's my plan for a new system
each car has a computer, when it senses a cell phone, the car is disabled untill the phone is turned off, when the computer senses any open drink, the car is limited to 30mph, when it senses illegal substances, it locks you in your car, disables it, and calls the cops, when you yawn, your car limits your speed to.... ummm.. 5mph.., if it hears the sound of a map opening, it limits your car to 15mph, if it hears bitching between the occupants, the car will disable...
i soo hate it when people do things other than drive when driving.... i really don't want my privacy invaded, or the possibilty of my car being used agaisnt me in a accident, but its good that it can be used against wreckless people...
either way someone gets screwed with these