Cowman, that's America in a nutshell. We want "Get Rich Quick!" and "Enlarge your penis!" and "Lose weight fast and easy!". Well, as those among us who are lerned know, these are fantasy. Getting rich quick is a great way to go broke quicker. Enlarging your penis is for midlfe crisis. Losing weight fast and easy is a myth. Ever see someone get a tummy tuck? It takes months to heal. In those same months, one could have easily done a simple exercise program. So why didn't they? We want everything NOW! and we don't want to have to work for it. Americans, my friend, are spoiled out of our minds. We see commercials for Hydroxycut showing before and after pictures and we think "Well, taking a pill isn't so hard!" completly ignoring that it reccomends that you use hydroxycut WITH diet and exercise. When Roma falls again, they'll be slaughtered by the perverbial Germanic Tribes. We, of course, will simply live on.
Sorry, I love getting off topic.
Rekna, maybe this would be better if you were more specific about what you eat and how often you exercised. What have you eaten in the past 3 days, not excluding anything (i.e. breakfast, snacks, water, lunch, dinner, etc.)? Maybe this does lye in your diet yet.