How can you people possibly support this? Not only does this scare the hell outta me, it makes me want to NEVER buy a car made after this year, ever.
I do not like to see that the police can, by plugging into my car, read my driving habits. I certainly do not like the intrusion of some computer service monitoring my driving. If I crash, I'll call 911 on my own time, sir. I do not want my car doing it for me.
More than that, I certainly don't want irrefutable evidence of speeding. As someone who vocally opposes current traffic speed standards - and one who does not obey them - this now shifts the burden of proof onto the driver, not the police.
I would pay anyone any amount of money to have this EDR removed from my vehicle. As for the guy that creamed someone at 106mph - he was in the accident, it would not have mattered what the speed was on the highway. 60, 80, 100 - there's a margin of diminishing probability after a certain speed. Supports my posistion that highway speeds should be increased.
"I've made only one mistake in my life. But I made it over and over and over. That was saying 'yes' when I meant 'no'. Forgive me."