I would say - first of all - I am suspicious that people making the allegations are going to law firms, and not the police. What is the motive - what is the motive of the first person you dropped their case in 1993 when they were paid off? if I had been abused, I would want justice, and I wouldnt touch the money of the person who did it to me.
I am not sure Jackson is morally responsible for his actions - whatever they are, in a very real sense I am not sure that he does understand what is right and wrong in this regard.
I think it is impossible for him to have a fair trial - clearly he has done things which are impropper, and I think he will be sent down, in my opinion it would be most appropriate for him to be committed to physciatric care... although I am not sure he will ever get better,
People can point at his hard childhood, but as has been pointed out, mant people have lived through worse and broken the cycle... Jackson has had more opportunities than most, but everything he has had has corrupted him. I just think he is not sane.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas