Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
I explained it in the post. Reread it.
The reason it's made you unsafer is:
- becuase you are now a larger target
- because American soldiers and citizens are being killed daily in Iraq (or do these not count in your opinion?)
- because there are now millions of angry muslims who are more likely to tacitly support anti-Americanism
- because there are now hundreds of thousands more angry militants who are more likely to act upon their anger becuase the invasion of Iraq
- because the invasion of Iraq is probably the best recruitment aid for Al Queda and probably in their favour
- because Iraq was not a threat to the US before the invasion, but now it is
- because, because, because...
I could go on. I'm suprised you believe otherwise.
With regards to their being no attacks since the invasion, I think you're mixing up cause and affect. I'll tell you what. There hasn't been any attacks since Janet Jackson's tit fell out. Therefore her tit must be helping protect America.
As we say in Ireland, "same difference"
Mr Mephisto
this is sort of a catch-22 that comes with the situation. I recognize all of the problems you listed above but actually see the benifits outweigh it.
The biggest things I see though is what I mentioned above
Iraq = the symbol of America's failure in the middle east before this war. We basically let their tryant dictator go back to his cubby hole and abuse his people, and turned a blind eye to that.
Iraq = a battle ground we can fight those terrorist in (who in did are coming from other countries) other then fighting them on our own soil, where they are basically hidden until the bomb goes off.
Iraq = A place where while fighting those terrorist, we can also try to rally the citizans either through our actions or maybe even propaganda to start a wave of change for hopefully what is the better.
So yes, maybe we have stirred the bee hive, but we have beekeepers (our military) helping out, rather then having to tend those bee's ourselves (the citizans).