Originally Posted by frogza
We ended up with four dimensions out of eleven? I know what the four we have are, 1-3 have to do with space and volume, 4 is time. So do we know what the missing ones are?
We do exist in 11 dimensions, we're just not capable of percieving the other 7 (maybe).
Originally Posted by CSflim
Perhaps you are confusing it with String Theory, which postulates the existence of extra dimensions which are twisted so tightly that they are too small to be noticed. This also is far from accepted as true. (Or maybe you are not reffering to this at all).
Superstring theory only works if the universe is 11 dimensional, fortunately existing in an such a universe is the only way to explain some of the behavior of quantum particles they've observed, lending some credence to superstring theory.
However, the idea that the other dimensions are somehow wrapped around each particle seems like a really far reach for an answer to me. I'm certainly no expert, but it seems to me that scientists are being shown evidence that we are living in a universe that has many, many aspects to it that they aren't capable of perceiving, so they try to come up with implausible explanations as to why this is. It's like they can't admit to themselves that there is a potential limit to their knowledge. But once again, I'm no expert and I might not know what the hell I'm talking about.
Originally Posted by fckm
I believe that the other "dimensions" in string theory are also spatial dimensions, but I'm not really sure.
EDIT ops, had to correct something
And here's another thing, how could we know if we existed in more than one temporal dimension? What if what we reffered to as 'time' was really the linear perception of the effects of the other 7 dimensions? There is no way to know for sure, since no experiment can be done outside of time. So the physicists assume that the other ones are spatial, because then it's easier to explain them away.
One last time, I could be wrong, but this is how it seems to me.