Thread: Soldiers
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Old 01-07-2005, 06:46 PM   #10 (permalink)
Originally Posted by RangerDick
I think this post is extremely disrespectful to every fallen American/Coalition soldier that has died in Iraq. Period. An American soldier KIA is just as dead as an Iraqi soldier KIA. How does an Iraqi soldier lose more?

I really hope no family member of a soldier stationed in Iraq reads your post.

And yet 95% of America thinks an american death is worse than an Iraqi death. My post was not ment to be disrespectful but instead meant to bring up discussion on soldiers. If you think American soldiers have more to loose you are mistaken. Iraqi soldiers risk their entire family, does an american soldier do that? No. They both risk their lives but which group gets the more risky positions? Which group gets worse equipment? We have soldiers complainging (rightly so) about lack of humvee armor. At least they have body armor (the Iraqi's don't). American soldiers live in a secured base, where do the Iraqi soldiers live? When America pulls out our troops are safe, how about theirs? Nope. If you think i'm being disrespectful i'm sorry but i'm not. I did not say by dieing there loss is more, i'm not comparing the value of one death to another. I am compairing the fact that an Iraqi risks more than an Americian.
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