Taking classes and working part time... what are your hours?
As the start of the new semester arrives, I am contemplating the hours I should work, and wanted to make a post here to see what hours you fellow students work during the semester..
I was thinking of working 5 hours after class (class until 1:00, work from 3:00-8:00), but I am not sure if that will leave time for study or not.
Last semester I worked 2 full days and a half day, but this semester I don't have any weekdays off and thus was thinking I might work on the same days I have class..
I'd really like to get weekends off, and I was thinking of working Mon-Thurs from 3:00 - 8:00 PM, and then having class Friday and off completely on Saturday and Sunday. I have class until 1:00 to 1:30 during the week...
What hours do you work, and do you find work gets in the way of school/study/homework a lot, or not really? Also, how many hours do you generally work per week during the semester?
Desperation is no excuse for lowering one's standards.
Last edited by Jimellow; 01-07-2005 at 03:30 PM..