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Old 01-07-2005, 11:10 AM   #53 (permalink)
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Location: Lilburn, Ga
Originally Posted by smooth

Even if I do privately consider the civil war participants as treasonists or criminals or whatever, my moral and political objection to them is based on the fact that they (and the descendents of that movement who continue to speak of the greatness of it) opposed my government.

The revolutionary war participants were on my side. I don't feel or have any allegiance to the British government. I don't particularly care whether our actions were treasonous or criminal--that's not the distinction I'm drawing (that one was and one movement was not, that is).

and see...THATS my point....there were people at the time that felt the exact same way. The loyalists of the rev war=the north of the civil war and the colonists=the south

those that saw no problem with King George and the "rulership" he stood for fought those that did...those that saw no problem with Lincoln and HIS ideas for the union fought those that did.

My only point in carrying the conversation in this direction is one group is practically canonized and one group is villified for doing the exact same thing
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