This is from todays news. Personally I don't think Gary Bettman is qualified to spread cream cheese on a bagel but then again Bob Goodenow hasn't been a star either interms of doing his job. Both these idiots should be fired for complete incompetence.
Also I think these two have lost sight of the big picture as to their respective roles and have let their megalomaniacal egos take precedent in a two player game of who is gonna win. Pathetic beyond ruin.
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NHL boss one of the worst!s6.73430_734763/32.c9746/5??cm=TodayonMSN
Magazine ranks NHL boss among worst managers News Staff
In a call few hockey fans would likely argue with, an American business magazine has named National Hockey League Commissioner Gary Bettman one of the worst managers of 2004.
In BusinessWeek's list of the seven worst managers of last year, Bettman ranked fifth because of his league's ongoing player lockout, poor finances and weak U.S. television deal.
"NHL finances are in shambles," the magazine wrote, suggesting that under his leadership the league has been "skating on thin ice for years."
Also included in the BusinessWeek list, determined by its 130 writers and editors around the world, were Vioxx-producing Merck & Co. CEO Raymond Gilmartin, and ousted Disney chief Michael Eisner.
Unfortunately for Bettman, that dubious honour was not his only one.
According to The Sporting News, the hockey honcho ranks just below Janet Jackson's right breast when it comes to the 100 most powerful people in sports.
Jackson's infamous "wardrobe malfunction," the magazine wrote, was so important because of the way it changed how sporting events are broadcast.
Bettman's performance was still good enough, at least, to rank him 40th on the list, slipping from his 13th-place ranking a year earlier.
Since the NHL locked out its players on Sept. 15, there has been little cause for hope the two sides will resolve their disagreements over salaries and revenue in time to salvage this hockey season.
With files from The Canadian Press
" In Canada, you can tell the most blatant lie in a calm voice, and people will believe you over someone who's a little passionate about the truth." David Warren, Western Standard.
Last edited by OFKU0; 01-07-2005 at 10:39 AM..