First off, Fear Factor, as far as I am concerned is not pure trash on the airwaves. For me at least, it serves a very valid purpose. It allows me to shut my brain down and experience through the program the emotional effects of facing various situations. For me, I enjoy the stunt challenges, as I have a horrible fear of heights, but the gross-out challenges aren't my favorite. Luckily its usually a 2-to-1 advantage in favor of the stunts.
I use my brain enough during the rest of my day (I spend less than four hours a week watching any kind of T.V.) that I'm not ashamed at all to turn it off for a rest once in a while. Of course I don't expect Fear Factor to stimulate me mentally or be 'good television', if I want that, I'll catch a run of West Wing or something. But for stimulating primal emotions like fear, anxiety, and such all while giving the brain some nap time, for me Fear Factor fits the bill.
Now that really isn't the point of the article. Apparantly, the real issue seems to not be whether the guy suffered legitimate damages at the hands of the producers (I think we can agree he didn't), but whether or not it is legitimate and appropriate to use such a suit to raise a political point or promote social change.
Personally, if one wants to crusade for better TV, I think that's a noble cause and you ought to pursue all manner of legal ways to do so. However, by forcing the network to spend money fighting a legal case that itself has no merit, but use that case as a platform for your voice? That to me is akin to vandalising their building with 'Networks Suck' spray painted on their walls. At least it is non-violent, but it does destroy property, and that isn't right.
Our legal system is already under strain, and by misusing the system to try and do things you shouldn't be using it for is bad because it further limits the ability of those who do have legitimate damage claims to see them addressed fairly by the courts.
"Don't tell me we're so blind we cannot see that this is my land! I can't pretend that it's nothing to do with me.
And this is your land, you can't close your eyes to this hypocracy.
Yes this is my land, I won't pretend that it's nothing to do with me.
'Cause this is our land, we can't close our eyes to the things we don't wanna see."