I hope I didn't injure myself lifting weights for the first time.
So I finally went to a Gym for the first time in my life last night (to work out). Well after doing a few sets of barbell curls, I decided to chill out for a bit. Then I noticed that my arms would not hang loose by my side. In other words, imagine laying flat on your back. Arms to your side. well, below my elbow, my arms lift to a 45 degree angle. Kind of like \__ . And I'm not trying to do that. It just is doing it on its own. I can straighten it if I try. Its sort of like something in tightened up in my arm making my forearm lift.
I am a little sore, but not too bad...should I be worried about this? Or is it because its the first time I've ever lifted weights and my muscles are trying to adjust?
Sorry if this makes no sense. And thank you for any advice.