I call 'BS' on this theory
Somehow everyone professes to love the geek, yet they don't live up to it. Most of this is mere talk and theory.
True story:
I once knew a guy who might have been described as a geek (and no, I'm not talking about myself). He was quite smart and a political science major, as well. A very sharp, very opinionated guy. Not only that, he was also quite handsome (at least as far as I can judge, looking at another guy). He wasn't overly shy or socially inept; he had a great sense of humor. And no, he wasn't a homosexual. Yet somehow, he couldn't get a girlfriend to save his life. Why is that? Why did someone who was in every way a perfect 'candidate' for a relationship always end up alone?
If you ask me, a significant part of 'finding someone' is pure luck and some people just don't have it.
Last edited by Almighty Null; 01-06-2005 at 10:11 PM..