schools/careers, help me out here!
so application deadline for universities is rolling around, and again this year i have no clue.
last year i went to Sheridan College for art fundies, pretty good, enjoyable, but really made me think.
this year, i did squat.
next year, i NEED to go to school, i crave knowledge, i need to get a career on the line. (i need to party and meet new people!)
so, i still have the art thing in mind (i'm thinking something like Emily Carr, rather than sheridan, which left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth)
but, i was thinking, so long as my grades pull through- university.
so far i had ideas like this:
Enviromental Stuides (Guelph or Trent)
International Developement (Trent)
and thats all i have so far. i might have to look more into both these courses to figure em out a bit more... but, i need something where i can DO things, go places, meet people and new cultures, do things with my hands, work outdoors, help people, learn, always learn, change the world, etc. etc. etc.
basically, i need something fulfilling. i need to get the enjoyment that at the end of the day i helped someone.
anyone have any ideas that can help me narrow this down? (im from southern ontario- Whitby)