Anyone else played this game? It was pretty disappointing for me.. The dude who worked at EB games said it was awesome, but I am skeptical about listening to them, because I am kinda seeing a trend. So far every guy at the counter has said every game I've bought was awesome
Anyways, I know this game was made by a Korean company, but the spelling and grammar mistakes would have been easy to fix had they run the game past a native English speaker. I mean, it was obvious stuff.
The gameplay itself was cool and kinda different, but kinda frustrating. There were only like three different attacks, but on a plus note, you could call upon your officers to do super moves. Fighting was pretty repetitive and annoying unless you could find the enemy leader and kill them. Killing the enemy leader would kill the whole squad, so if you killed the leader straight away, you could win the battle without losing any men. One thing I hated about trying to tell my men to attack archers was that frequently my men would do nothing. They would just sit there. I had to make them take a round about way to the enemy archers, because if I targetted the archers directly, my men wouldn't move.
Camera was kinda sketchy and I never knew which way the camera would be facing when I switched to a different squad. Kinda annoying having to constantly spin the camera around. Graphics were good, but nothing to write home about.
Draw distance was fucking horrible. You couldn't see very far at all, and by the time you saw an enemy troop, they were already on you. No time for maneuvering. This was probably my biggest gripe with the game.
The story was okay, but not well explained at all. Background story was fucking stupid and should have been left out. It had absolutely nothing to do with the game except to bring up something called the Ancient Heart. Whatever that was..
Overall I was pretty disappointed with the game. Mostly just little stuff, but still annoying. It was fun, but I think it's a bargain bin game.
Anyone played this game? Thoughts?