Tick tock tick tock. Does 15 minutes seem to be getting longer and longer these days or is it my imagination. Yeesh, I though I had heard enough of these fucktards when people were suing fast food joints because their greedy fat asses couldn't control their brain long enough to say NO.
When this case gets thrown out of court this idiot should be ordered to wear a 2 by 4 foot sign in public for a year stating why he has to wear the sign. Oh but then he'd sue again stating his constitutional rights were violated causing mental distress and anguish. Fuck off
You know for all the talk about eroding rights and freedoms people talk about on this forum,...you know what,..let's start with these losers and do some shock treatment to see the outcome and if morons like this can be rehabilitated or not. At least then he'll have an avenue to sue, that is if he can spell his name. Fire up the electrodes, we have incoming!!
" In Canada, you can tell the most blatant lie in a calm voice, and people will believe you over someone who's a little passionate about the truth." David Warren, Western Standard.