As many have stated before me, there is a lot more evidence to support the theory of evolution, rather than creationism. To the person who claimed they believe that 'the world was created in 6 days', I'm curious as to how this could be measured at all since the concept of a day as we know it could not exist before the world was created in the first place. Anyway how does the story go? On the first day he created the ocean(?)...and so on and so forth...then he goes 'Let there be light?'. So did god create earth in 6 days and then snap his fingers when he wanted light to exist...thus creating the rest of the universe in that second when he said 'Let there be light'...unless you don't agree that the light he called for came from the sun.
I guess my main point is that there can be no real argument against evolution in a creationism vs. evolution discussion regarding amount of evidence, because clearly, evolution has much more evidence supporting it than creationism does.