I am a creationist. The "thousands of years" that show in dating is believed to be "created age". I don't know that I believe this. There is one more spin on the creationist theory that I'm curious to learn more of. Basically it says that between the portion of the Bible that recounts creation and the rest of the book there is a gap. It's "The Gap Theory". It's the creationists answer to 'created or evolved age'. As it is I'm not sure about how things were aged or whether I'd be a deist or not. BTW wasn't Ben Franklin a deist? I think it was him that called God, "the Great Clockwinder".
Originally Posted by McDuffie
One needn't be an atheist to accept some form of evolution (as this poll demonstrates) and one needn't accept evolution to be an atheist.
I'm curious about this. I never imagined that an atheist would believe in any other source of the universe other than evolution. What other possibilities are there? I just don't know.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.