There is no proof of evolution.
I don't understand how anyone could ever believe this to be true especailly when humans have been guiding evolution in plants and animals for thousands of years. For centuries farmers have been taking the seeds from the top 10% of their crop and using those to replant the fields next year. The result of this is that crops grown today are bigger and better than they were a few hundred years ago. Also, dog breeders have been refining animals by breeding the very best to bring out the most features... sometimes they mix the breeds to bring out new and exotic traits.
These are both examples of evolution. Granted these are guided by mankind, it is not hard to believe that the exact same process could happen in nature. I guarantee that a dog with shaggy fur would be more likely to survive in an arctic climate than one with no fur at all.
I think the biggest problem people have with evolution is that they don't understand it. It is not some ultimate answer to the universe, it is simply a natural process that can be used to explain diversity. It does not say where life began, or why we're here, or what we're supposed to do. It just explains why a horse is not a zebra, and why polar bears are not black. To say there is "no proof" of evolution is silly, just look around you, it's there everywhere.