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Old 01-06-2005, 02:02 PM   #18 (permalink)
Fade out
Location: in love
Originally Posted by mandal
by this i mean that i like girls that are nice, can cook, can sew, wears conservative clothes (especially dresses), doesn't swear, and so on and so on.

I always come across girls who I tell not to curse and then they point out that guys do and I pretty much say that he's a guy it's not as bad. It's not much that I want all girls to be like this, but in terms of girls i would ever be interested in they would have to follow these rules. I tell them this to, I believe girls should be like this, if you don't agree then you shouldn't care what i think.

Dont get me wrong or anything I don't believe women shouldn't have any rights or anything like that, but in terms of these things I do hold the traditional belief.

So i'm just wondering are there a lot of guys out there that hold these beliefs, also are there girls that think i'm just a plain old jerk?
Well hmmmmm . . . i am a bit baffled by your def. of what it means to be a traditional woman . . . .

I am a "traditional" woman by some people's standards . . . so to speak . . . I knit, i bake fresh bread every day, i can cook, i garden . . . etc. etc. However, i do tend to curse here and there and i am bisexual and love checking out woman, but married and committed to my hubby . . . But i express myself and i have alot of opinions about basically everything and i debate often with hubby about various social-political issues . . . i like ditry talk in bed and am into anal sex etc. But i wear dresses and can be a "nice" girl most of the time . . . So, am i traditional? By 2005 standards, I AM

The kind of traditional woman you are looking for doesn't exist anymore is my point, society is just too different . . . Becuase woman who are into that totally tranditional "the man is the head of the household, i should never curse etc" stuff are very unhappy woman and unsatisfied with not being able to be themselves and having to fit into a mold . . . Does that make sense mandal??

I don't nessasarily think you are a jerk . . . Chances are you have a religious upbringing correct? You just have a preconcieved notion about how you want the gal you're going to be with to be . . . which it going to make it tough to see each woman you date as an individual . . .

just my two cents . . .
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