I don't care that much about dress standards, I wouldn't want my wife getting arrested for indecent exposure every time we go out but I certainly wouldn't go all victorian either. As far as I'm concerned clothes are for comfort, so if you're comfy it's all good.
As far as the not swearing thing and being "nice", I admit I like nice people. I also like being around people who don't swear, so I like women who can keep a clean mouth. These are both standards I apply to myself as well.
I can see a little of what mandal is saying though, many women are nicer than many men. Call it the "mother instinct", social pressure or the remnants of a male dominated society but most women seem to have a higher mastery of being "nice" then most men. Being crass, dirty or mean are things we don't expect of women. Maybe it's not fair, maybe it too much pressure but as things stand now it's the general rule.
I found through sad experience that when you're new to a college campus it is best to ask directions of women then of men, unless you'd rather end up at a AA meeting instead of math class. (That's a story for another time)