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Old 01-06-2005, 10:50 AM   #12 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Originally Posted by Fourtyrulz
My guess is this is was the original poster was meaning. It's just a matter of taste in need to get your undies all in a bunch!
My undies are bunch free, thanks for your concern though...

when the statement is made that :
by this i mean that i like girls that are nice, can cook, can sew, wears conservative clothes (especially dresses), doesn't swear, and so on and so on.
Not sure what his definition of nice is, but once or twice in my life I have been called that, I am an excellent cook, I can sew, I am a very conservative dresser, I have a vocabulary, so I don't need to swear, I know darn well he's not looking for a woman like me, I am in no way a traditional woman, because I am incredibly opinionated (duh - like y'all didnt know that) and not shy about expressing my opinions, even if it's not popular.

Yeah, some men do like the submissive (and I'm not talking sexually submissive) type, who don't want a woman to have an original thought, or to ever disagree with them, and that sounds what he is looking for.
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