mandal, is this philosophy, or might it be better placed in Living, or Sexuality perhaps?
Or are you posing a question about the nature of morality today and the way that so called traditional values are being eroded by the capitalist, consumerist society we live in today? - perhaps Politics then.
Or are you wondering whether it's possible to reconcile the paradox of expecting others to follow a moral code different from your own?
If that's the case then I guess Philosophy is the right place.
Expecting women to act under a different set of rules to the ones men are expected to live by suggests you feel that there is some deep and fundamental difference between men and women that should determine the roles they are expected to play out in life.
Should people be limited at all in how they live their lives? What benefits would this dual set of ethics provide? And at what cost?
Or is this just an expression of the kind of interpersonal dynamic that you find comfortable with a partner? What do you think is the root of this preference? Is it something to do with your childhood? Do you relate differently to women than you do to men?
Would you have any difficulty working for a female boss who cursed? Or does this preference only relate to you when you are considering a sexual relationship?
Personally, cursing is cursing and shows ignorance and a lack of acceptance of one's inner self. This can lead to frustration, which can be a sign that someone isn't happy with the way their life is turning out. It's equally unnattractive in men and women, but can occasionally serve as a cathartic and often humerous way of relieving tension if used appropriately.