Originally Posted by roachboy
i have been sitting here for five minutes or so trying to figure out ways to logically connect the previous post to the topic....the sanctions regime were like a tsunami?...no, that doesnt work....
i'm baffled.
Let's see if I can help.
Every post I've seen commends those who contributes funds, their expertise, or their time to save lives in the areas affected by the tsunami. Except for Bush, of course, whom I believe sent $10,000.
However, the same people who praise the donors are speechless in regard to the huge number of lives in Iraq that have been saved and improved by President Bush. In fact, the number I previously stated did not include lives saved by our troops' restoring hospitals, electricity, and phone systems to function, as well as getting water and sewer facilities on-line. By the way, these are systems that for the most part, have not worked in years. They weren't destroyed by the troops.
Why have I seen so many posts of people who were saddened by the tsunami, but very few to none from people who were saddened by the deaths of children in Iraq?
Are Iraqi lives, especially children's, not as valuable as those of the tsunami victims? Or is it just that Bush can never be credited with any worthwhile acts, as some of the posts here allude?