Originally Posted by Superbelt
Here's a novel idea, open the borders. Make immigration from Central America, specifically, easy. When that happens you get many positive things.
It gives you a stable flow of workers, removes the obstacle that drives them to commit the crime in the first place, and fully envelopes them into the tax system so they actually pay into all federal, state and local coffers as applicable to their wages. It will also stop the assholes who are paying them a quarter an hour to pick strawberries etc. When they are legal their jobs will pay at least min wage. If they are making enough money to survive, they won't eventually resort to crime to get by.
There IS a reason that there are so many illegal immigrants. It's because we make it an arduous task to immigrate here. I think our land attached neighbors and even some of the surrounding Islands should get special fast tracking to immigrate here if they so choose.
It's been tried. The Indians weren't enthused about the results.