Total Taxpayer Cost per Israeli
x4.3825 (Isreali Shekels)
104,478.80 ( Isreali Shekels)
So we are paying Isrealis more than some hard working US citizens live on. That's just fucking wrong.
8.5/hr............ 104,478.8(shekels)
x.................. /
40/wk............ 52 weeks
$340/wk........ 2009.21 (shekels/week)
x.................. /
52................ 40 hrs
$17,680/year.. 50.23 (shekels an hour)
x.................. /
4.3825.......... 4.3825
77,482.60..... $11.46
(shekels/yr)... (US DOLLARS an hour)
Jesus, must be fucking nice to have the US GOVERNMENT PAY for your citizens while the same US GOVERNMENT cuts services to take care of their own US citizens and allows companies to pay as little as possible. Even if that money doesn't go directly to the citizens, that's less tax money than the Isreali Gov't has to spend from their own citizenry. Which means their government can afford to put their tax dollars into programs such as healthcare, human services and education. Which since it's on our dollar they probably spend more per citizen than we can.
Why should I sit here, (when my country is running massive deficits and can no longer educate and help our own citizens,) and keep allowing my government to subsidize ANY country, let alone one that has little respect for human rights (outside of their own citizens), one that causes much chaos with other countries and us, and one that if we stopped paying would probably decide to be the country to start a nuclear war? (Isreal to me is the biggest Nuclear war threat out there. I have a feeling they wouldn't hesitate to use them offensively if we didn't stop them.)
And the GOP Neocons want to keep cutting aid to our own but don't say shit about Bush sending all this fucking money out of our country.
A country wants aid from us here's what we do:
1) we assess their need
2) we refuse to send any money to their government
3) we send food, medical supplies and so on to humanitarian organizations in those countries
4) we send US companies in to BUILD up that countries infrastrucure, and agriculture industry. As we build up their industries and agriculture we slowly pull our aid so that they can become self sufficient.
5) we send money only for the building of public schools and educational purposes, the money is distributed by US companies that specialize in building schools.
6) If the foreign government refuses this form of aid and demands money, we refuse any aid.
No discussion here, no compromise here, that's it.
And if we learn that the country allows active terrorsits to train and recruit, we pull all aid and embargoi the country. HEAR THAT SAUDI.
If we embargo and fuel goes up, we use the tax money we saved from the aid not sent and subsidize fuel and alternative fuel studies so that we no longer will worry about those countries holding us hostage for fuel.
This may sound like "fuck the world" but I am no longer going to sit here and watch my country go down the shitter while we send aid to help other countries become great.
My patriotism is such that, I believe warts and all the US is the greatest country in the world, and we will help others learn to help themselves but I firmly will never support sending money overseas that goes to corrupt governments building war materials and not helping their people or giving welfare to their people while my country still has families starving because they can't get decent paying jobs.
$23,240/citizen..... that would truly help our healthcare problems.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
Last edited by pan6467; 01-05-2005 at 11:37 AM..