punkmusicfan, while I 100% understand the analogy you're making....you need to keep in mind that a lot of those people did as they were told so that they werent killed too...Im not saying all of them....some were real sadistic fucks, but if told...do as your ordered (same as MOST military people are) or you're next.....what would you do?
Isn't that similar to the situation teens workers are put in? The same situation you or I or anyone is in at the moment? We are told to work our asses off for the good of the company or else we are the next to go ("And did you hear what happened to Johnson, he should have just kept his head down and done his work... now his wife will have to get two jobs while he searches for one... And he's got his son. Poor Guy will probably end up living out of his car... Well, lets get back to work before the boss realizes we have been on break ten seconds too long") And sure there are some people who are actually "born hard workers", my father is one of them, but the world is churning out less and less it seems. I'm not one of them.
Like I said before, teens are without the extreme work ethics these days (not all teens). I guess I'm just afraid that we are just going to "kill them" all because they won't follow orders to perfection...