Geek does mean socially inept, and it also means smart because generally (and unfortunatly) the smarter someone is the less adjusted socially they are.
Im at my job right now (tech support for a college) and we all are glad not to ever have to talk to people.... fuckin people...
Usually smart people overthink the actions of other people (who are mostly dumb and whose actions actually require no analysis). Also, smart people are more contemptuous of the daily stupidity from living in a society run by monkeys (yes its more than just the main monkey). And that doesn't always make for someone fun to talk to...
My ex girlfreind likes geeky guys. I finnaly thought I was cool when I got a girlfriend (especially since shes a 10), but then I started to noticing who else caught her eye... god dammit.
If I could be anyone in the world I would be Britney Spears. Shes in so many commercials about pepsi...