Willravel, I think you need to check your facts. 500 billion is too much. Here are the actual numbers:
U.S. Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact
Benefits to Israel of U.S. Aid
Since 1949 (As of November 1, 1997)
Foreign Aid Grants and Loans
Other U.S. Aid (12.2% of Foreign Aid)
Interest to Israel from Advanced Payments
Grand Total
Total Benefits per Israeli
Cost to U.S. Taxpayers of U.S.
Aid to Israel
Grand Total
Interest Costs Borne by U.S.
Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers
Total Taxpayer Cost per Israeli
Now, it's 8 years old, but I doubt we've ramped up our aid 497 billion dollars per year since the 90s. Hell, the requested US military budget is 420.7 billion dollars. I really, really have a hard time believing that we'd give them more money than our own military. And the year that you claim we gave 500 billion to the Israelis (2003) was the year we spent 396.1 billion dollars on the US military.