I heard on CNN that Jeb Bush went with Powell but thought the milk in my cereal was a little off making me hear things. What is Jeb Bush doing there? Christ if they are looking for brownie points, why didn't the U.S send Ahnooold.
I like the thought in the article that this visit might show caring and compassion on the part of the U.S but as I watch, and will watch especially Anderson Cooper tonight on CNN, it will appear that it is simply an exercise in futility. (Just because Anderson Cooper tries to hard to not make America look like the greatest thing since sliced bread, but fails every time)
Yes the U.S is doing their part, as is the rest of the world but somehow it looks so fake. Yes I'm sure that the U.S like the rest of the world cares about this disaster, but I can't get over the feeling that this is a tradeoff to make the U.S look good in light of the war in Iraq. I think the 3 presidents charade the other day is proof of that. I can't wait 'til Robert Smigel animates his political spin on that one.
edit---When refering to the U.S, this is administration, not the people of the U.S I'm refering too.
" In Canada, you can tell the most blatant lie in a calm voice, and people will believe you over someone who's a little passionate about the truth." David Warren, Western Standard.
Last edited by OFKU0; 01-05-2005 at 09:27 AM..