Use what works for you. If your body is used to the bars you are currently using. Why change this close to the race?
Some people can adjust quickly. I find on my long runs I like using Gu gels, really any of the good gels that are out there will work for me. Good gels are the ones with the 4 to 1 ratio. Carb to Protein. The gels seem to not sit as heavy on the stomach during the long runs. Which I like. The gels will be absorbed faster.
But on my long bike rides. I use bars. The bars take a little more time to digest and stick around a little longer. Which is great for the longer efforts on the bike.
What has been your longest distance run using your current feeding method? How did you feel? How was your recovery after your long run? What type of carbs are you consuming during your runs? (If any?) You really do need them, as well as protein
Water, water, water.... once you realize you have not been drinking enough. It's to late. Try to hit every feed/water station.
Good luck!
Disco Duck...