Originally Posted by hunnychile
This is good news indeed! Seriously, There are probably people there who would absolutely love to have you join the team and be a new friend. No fear!! Bravo for You! Keep us posted.
Okay, just had the second interview... It was probably one of the weirdest interviews I've *ever* been to.
12:25, I arrive, the secretary directs me to a room, where I get something to drink; someone will come over shortly.
12:30, my interview should start.
12:40, an older man (60-ish) with a dog (!) walks past the office, and asks me to follow him. That's the head and owner of the company...
We talk about my resume, and he notices my (Jewish) name. We go into a 10-minute discussion about my Jewish roots, Jewish customs, and Jewish history and such. Then we go into my education and job history. He asks me what I earned in previous jobs, and how much I'd like to earn now.
...and then he suddenly asks "can you start tomorrow?"
So I'm hired, and have to be there at 9:00 tomorrow morning. WOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!
(I do have to get a drivers licence ASAP. And I MEAN asap! I don't have one yet, and it will become a big problem in this job.)
After that it's mostly a blur... going to the administration to get a contract printed, going my new department for a meet-and-greet, and then I'm out again... still thinking "WTF just happened????"