Ok, I was going to start a new thread for a weight loss support group, but since this one is already here, I will contribute in hopes of reviving it.
Here are my thoughts: This is the time of year (New Year resolutions) when many people are motivated to lose weight. My hope is that by banding together and contributing our thoughts, stories, successes, and failures, we might all remain motivated well beyond the middle of January and see some real positive, long-term benefits.
CityOfAngels and
Nightshade and anyone else who is interested in making a positive contribution to this thread, c'mon back and let's get this thing going.
A few ideas:
1. Post your current weight and your goal weight. Keep in mind that it doesn't matter so much where you are starting, you are on the right track
2. Post your method of weight loss that you are working with and how it is working for you.
3. Discuss what got you heavier than you wanted in the first place. Yes, St33lr4t, some people do have negative support for gaining weight whether they wanted to or not. There is nothing wrong with positive support. Have you always struggled with your weight, or was there a catalytic event that caused your weight gain?
4. What serves as your personal motivation? Do you want to fit into a certain outfit? Are you trying to appear more attractive to the opposite sex? Do you need to get to a certain weight to participate in skydiving?
I've got a bunch more ideas, but I will save them for later. I'd like to see if anyone else is still interested in reviving this thread. I will stop back here with updates at least once a week. For now, I'll post my answers to the above questions.
1. I am currently 254, my goal weight is 220.
2. I am using a computer program to journal my caloric intake and exercise. It is called
Performance Diet and it has really worked for me before, so I am confident that it will again. That is a link if you want to check it out for yourself. It is a pretty well constructed program. So basically, I am restricting my caloric intake while increasing my activity through exercise and weight training. No carb restrictions or special foods for me, just common sense weight loss.
3. I have struggled with my weight since I was a child. As an adult, I have fluctuated some, but usually been in good health overall. Several years ago, I worked my way down to 232 with diet and exercise and maintained that level for some time. More recently, following a move to take a new job, I have had some weight gain due to a change in my lifestyle. Now I have more weight than I want for myself and I have decided it is time to get back in shape.
4. Among other reasons, I will lose my weight to get faster and more competitive in my chosen sport, cycling. Big guys like me have a real disadvantage in competitive cycling, but I am determined to be competitive in the upcoming season. I will be entering some events as the season starts up here to help with my motivation. I have found that preparing for a competitive event whips me into shape like nothing else.
Ok, I've laid enough out for now. Your turn! Try it... it feels good.