I read somewhere that if all the illegal immigrants in the US left, the economy would take a nose dive.
On the radio the other day I was listening to the PBS show "All Things Considered" (a great US radio programme that's retransmitted in Australia). They noted that some congress men were championing anti-immigration laws (disallowing them driver's licences, prosecuting those who employ them or give them benefits etc). It was rather interesting, but I don't remember all the details unfortunately. One fact did remain in my mind though. Apparently there are over 4 MILLION "illegal aliens" in the US. Furthermore the majority of them are working and therefore contributing to the tax system and the economy.
I can understand the desire to limit or address economic refugees (because this is what they are). But be careful what you ask for. As I said above, I think some of you may be mistaken as seeing these people as a burden on your economy as opposed to a net contributor.
Interesting debate.
Mr Mephisto