If it's illegal for them to be here, then how can they pay taxes without getting caught? I thought "illegals" get paid under the table.
I understand what you're saying Smooth, it's just that I'm not so sure that's the case. Are the guys at the carwash or the gardeners paying taxes? If it's illegal to hire illegals and one can't file paperwork for them, then how can they pay taxes?
I agree with you about the free markets-->free labor concept especially in regards to capitalism. It irritates me when Corporate America bitches and moans about needing to depress wages and this and that. It's more like corporate welfare and double standards.
In any case, I think they're separate issues.
If we need that labor so badly, then we should either a). raise wages to attract labor, or b). facilitate immigration to supply the "much needed labor" and keep the money here without remittances southward. Give them a stake and a chance to prove their loyalty.
Just because a border is "artificially constructed" does not make it illegitimate and therefore unprotected by law. Those people should still respect and obey the laws. What do you say to all the lawful immigrants going about it the proper way? Thousands of people become citizens every year and immigrate. Why can't they do the same?
Still, the Mexican government should not be "encouraging" this type of behavior. It makes a mockery of our legal system. People need to take accountability and responsibility for their own actions. They already know the risks yet they still do it. They should also suffer the consequences.\ of their actions, not be rewarded for breaking the law.