OOPS! Sorry, I didn't intentionally miswrite your name, RangerDick. (Somehow it seemed more respectful the other way...)
I think that fear is natural. I think fear can be rational. I think that fear can keep us safe. *But only under certian circumstances.* I do think that many nations, including the US, use fear in their propoganda. Why? Well that's simple. People can be dumb and aren't reliable a lot of the time. You have a public that can be dumb and that isn't totally reliale, you have a goverment that is run by those people. So what do they do? They try to control the people. First off, it is for honorable reasons. They try to educate people, but let some exaggerations slip and such. The big problems come when self interest meets this propoganda. This always happens. Eventually a group of individuals who can control most of the propoganda takes permenant residence.
America does have things to be afraid of. But the threat from terror is technically negligable compared to more pressing matters. Imagine that we spend 1/100th on heart disease that we spent on the war. I know it might not equate in your mind, but just think. Imagine we invest 200billion in cancer research. I think this money, not to mention the lives of soldiers, can be better spent. Whether we helped in Iraq or not only time will tell, but for now it *seems* more of an effort from the oil industry to control.