Originally Posted by Xenomorph
...Age of Empires 2 was just a little too slow and defensive for my tastes. I went for the sci-fi flashiness and adrenaline of Starcraft back when both games were huge. I thought Rise of Nations was a great improvement on AoE's style, although I'm not interested in playing an RTS beyond its packaged campaign and some LANning with friends anymore...
You never got dark rushed did you? Seeing someone attack in the first 10 minutes of the game is quite off putting. I think I have a recorded game of an associate doing a dark age rush in a 2v2 game. The victim didn't know what hit him
In my opinion a defensively focused player would probably lose more matches than they win.
I think its strengths were that:
* (if you were good enough) you could attack anytime.
* a balanced team game (even with differing skill levels of individual players) was great fun. I used to play with a sizable group, and we were usually able to setup teams quite easily so that the teams were evenly matched
* recorded games allowed anybody to see what any particular player had done