Originally Posted by The_wall
Um my car is automatic, so I don't know how to manually change the gear, but I'm calling bullshit on you if you really expect me to believe you obide by speed limits.
Like Bill said, you've got more than 'Stop' and 'Go' on your automatic car, you've got the option to change gears to suit the conditions. When you put it in Drive it's best suited for average conditions, where there's a range of ups and downs, so the car goes through the motions by itself. And I don't want to sound like an asshole here, but I don't think you can call bullshit on me obeying the speed limits when you don't actually know what your own car is capable of. I've only been driving for three years, I'm only 21, but I've never been arrested, ticketed, pulled over, warned, and I've never put a single scratch on my car. I know that three years without any problems isn't a world record but nevertheless I'm still proud of it and I attribute it to paying attention, expecting other drivers to be insane and being prepared for it, and watching my speed. I'll go with the flow of traffic if they're all under the limit, but if they're all over then I'll stay at the limit.
As for why the manufacturers don't install speed limiters on their cars, I'd respond with 'Why does someone else have to keep you in check?' My oven can go up to a trillion degrees and my stereo can go up to volume 30, but I don't push it that hard because it's dangerous and unecessary. The option is there but it's my responsibility to use them responsibly, and when it comes to driving that is according to what the law says is resonsible, not what my little rebellious streak says is appropriate. So if I think I can go 80kph and the sign says 60kph, then I practice a little self control and go 60kph. Easy.
Edit: and rune, if you've never seen Super Troopers, do yourself a favor and rent it
'Littering and... littering and... littering and...'