i understand what people are saying who aren't feeling very strongly about the tsunami, however, i kind of felt the opposite right after it had happened. i had gotten a text message alert on my cell about the earthquake, and i was like, "wow, holy shit." i went to look for information on the web, and on all the news sources, it seemed rather secondary. i turned the TV on, and none of the news channels were covering it. not CNN, Fox, MSNBC, or any of them. even the day after, it didn't even make the headline on the newspaper where i live. now seriously, i'm not putting anybody down for feeling "ho-hum," because that's what you feel, and there's nothing wrong with that, but when i saw how the news treated it at first, i was kind of pissed. i mean, thousands of people were reported dead already, and it didn't even make the breaking news on TV? i thought that was kind of sick.