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Old 01-04-2005, 01:09 PM   #4 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Do you fart at other times or just during sex.
Have you tried switching positions? If you are on the bottom, and he's on top of you, the pressure on your tummy might be causing the gaseousness. What if you got on top?
Have you tried GasX or Beano any other anti-gas over the counter medicine?
Do you drink a lot of carbonated beverages, drink thru a straw, eat a lot of high fiber foods - -all can cause gas.

Now - farting is a bodily function, it's natural, it's normal, it doesn't make you a freak because you do have the need to fart once in a while. Sex relaxes you, it'd be perfectly normal for your entire body to be relaxed and with that - farting might be a side effect. Who cares. Sex is fun, laugh it off... If he gets creeped out or has a problem with it - the guy has some major maturity issues and shoudl be kicked to the curb.
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