Thread: What women want
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Old 01-03-2005, 08:39 PM   #13 (permalink)
Ok, I'm not saying looks don't matter, becuase they do. But it's not all about how many muscles a guy has.
I notice looks, but some of the first things I notice are a guy's hair, the way he holds himself, and his face as a whole.
Personally, I've noticed I drift towards leaner guys (maybe some muscles, and well-toned, but usually not "buff"...and the muscles aren't even that important to me)
But all girls like different things. I know a lot of girls who really like really buff guys, but I'm just not into it. I also know girls who like chubbier guys, shorter guys, taller guys, guys who have long hair, short hair....whatever.
Maybe it's just because there isn't the token "boobs and ass" for guys, but i notice that the guys my girl friends notice are far more diverse than the girls my guy friends notice.
For girls, you're not going to find a quick and easy "99% of girls like this", so it''s kind of silly to even ask "what women want". Women are all different.
And many, while yeah, they do notice looks first, the thing that's going to draw them in and keep them with you the most is going to be your personality. Yeah, a great body is good and fun, but at the end of the day, the guy who you can talk to and have fun with is going to be the one you want to stay with.
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