Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
We were openly attacked on 9-11, it was an act of war. The Taliban was party to that war by siding with Al Qaeda. When we LEGALLY declared war and wiped the floor with those fucks, we had every right to take those deemed illegal out of there. Notice how the majority of those we combated with are still in Afghanistan, yeah those are the treaties of Geneva and Hague at work, the proper legal warriors were afforded POW status, as a result they weren't trekked half way across the world boo fucking hoo by the way because many of those in Gitmo were foreign terrorists to begin with.
We were attacked on 9/11. According to the release to the press, 12 al-Qaeda members hijacked planes and slammed them into the Twin Towers, and the Pentagon. All conspiracy arguments aside (as they would not serve any purpous in this duscussion), that's all we really know for sure. We don't know who planned the attacks (anyone who says they do is full of shit), we don't know who in the al-Qaeda supported or even knew about the attacks. There are over 500 prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. How many of them were involved with 9/11? How many people who will be laying in the 200 bed prison do you think were involved?
You can't keep pulling the 9/11 card. They tried to pull the 9/11 card for Iraq. That didn't fly and neither will this.
EDIT: America can't go to war with terror. We can use our military to try and stop cells and disarm terrorist groups, but there is no leagal declairation of war against an ideal.